The DISCO Data Management Suite has been fully enabled on all matters. You can now upload terabytes of data directly from your computer — without the need for any special tools — and start reviewing your documents in minutes, not days. For more information on ingesting data on your own, check out our
Knowledge Base
If you would like DISCO professional services to ingest the data for you, go ahead and fill out this form. This may be a billable service, subject to the specific terms of your contract.
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Your email address
Company/Law Firm
Originating Office
Description Information
Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Please select...
For urgent matters (e.g. system outages, etc.) please call our support line at 877-941-0583
Due Date
Ingest Information
Matter Name
Database name
Database display name (N/A if unknown)
Ediscovery ID
Ediscovery ID for the database
Database URL
Ingest Type
Please select...
Load File
Native Ingest
Data Size (GB)
Ingest Session Name
Enter the tag/folder name(s) which should apply to all documents in this ingest.
Apply Tags
Apply Folders
My data is encrypted
Please select...
Encryption Type
Custodian names
Please enter in the custodian names here.
Exception Remediation
Please select...
Remediate all exceptions (billable task)
I will review the exception report and remediate any exceptions as necessary
Select Hidden Content
Please select...
Word documents - Show tracked changes
Word documents - Show comments
Word documents - Show hidden text
Word documents - Show invisible text
Word documents - Replace auto-fields
PowerPoint documents - Show comments
PowerPoint documents - Show speaker notes
PowerPoint documents - Show invisible text
PowerPoint documents - Replace auto-fields
Excel documents - Show Headers/Footers
Use the Cmd/Ctrl key to select multiple choices, if applicable.
Special processing instructions
Data Transfer Information
How will you send us your data?
Please select...
Physical Courier
External Link
DISCO High Speed Uploader
We highly recommend using electronic transfer for data during this time. DISCO offers both a
high speed uploader
and a traditional FTP as efficient methods of transferring data.
DISCO support
can guide you through using both of these options. If those methods are not available to you and you would like to send a physical shipment then please contact
to make special arrangements.
Name of the File or Folder you uploaded
Transfer is complete
Please select...
Media Tracking Number
Please provide the media shipping tracking number
Please provide external link and short description
An important note about sending data
If you are sending data to us via FTP, please make sure that you've specified the custodian names for the data above. If you are shipping physical data to DISCO, please include a return shipping label with your data.
I have read and accept these terms