Please note you are only submitting an archive creation request using this form. An archive request does not automatically trigger a database deletion. Note that you will be billed in accordance with your contract until the deletion request is fully processed.  After you have received your archive, if you wish to delete your database, there are two ways to facilitate database deletion.  1.) You can submit a Database Deletion Request utilizing this form ( &  2.) You can also delete the database directly from the platform following these steps (
Contact Information

Archive Information

For urgent matters (e.g.system outages, etc.) please call our support line at (877)941-0583.

Note: Only database admins can request a database archive. If you are not an admin, please reach out to your firm admin to submit this archive request.

The database display name.

Ediscovery ID for the database

Login to database to copy URL

If you would like to archive only a portion of your database, please create a search that includes all document family members and paste the URL/link to that search here. If you would like more information on Partial Archive, please contact
Data Archive and Media Return

*Please note that if DISCO creates an archive, you will incur billable charges based on the database size plus the cost of media and shipping if applicable.

My FTP Information

Please enter instructions on how to connect to your FTP including User Name and Password so that Disco can connect to it and upload your archive
Shipping Information

Please provide shipping information to send you your data archive or physical media.

Additional Information

Please include any important details about your request.
Archive Acknowledgement